(These concepts were created to help inspire people to write and draw their own hand made posters. The ideas were kept simple and without execution so that people could feel they were taking ownership of their creation. They were distributed by the League of Conservation Voters to partner organizations as well as to various New York City High schools for the 2017 People’s Climate March in Washington D.C.)
Email sent to people who were creating their signs for the next day's march:
Hi Planet Fans-
Most people have so many other issues to deal with besides climate change. They say that they care about the climate but it really isn’t their personal issue. So let’s find a way to get them on board!
Climate change is everyone’s issue- women, minorities, immigrants, gay people, grandparents…religious fundamentalists. If your focus is making simply money, stopping global warming is good for the economy and good for creating jobs. Whoever you are and whatever your passion is, climate change is related to you.
Signs shouting big ideas are great, but more specific messages are also effective. A variety of ideas in the march add up to a collective message. Different people react to different kinds of signs.
Facts are good. Surprise is good. Going against the what’s happening with the EPA- very good.
The best messages are a quick read. Graphics with few words are great. Maybe try to state the issue in a way people hadn’t thought of before.
Climate Change Is Everyone’s Issue
(Think of creative ways to illustrate “everyone” i.e. maybe a rainbow flag or a row of religious symbols)
(alternate message) Climate Change. It’s Your Issue Too.
Green Energy Creates Jobs
Drought = War = Immigration
(Play with this…maybe the final word is “Disease” or “Draught=Famine=War”. Show how climate change causes many seemingly unrelated aspects of our world)
Environmental Activist
(Photo of Pope Francis)
Solar Power Employs More People Than Coal
Save our EPA
(Maybe sign is carried by a polar bear with #PolarBearsForPeople on the sign)
(vis of earth) What Would Jesus Do?
EPA (vis of ostrich with head in the sand)
This Disaster Isn’t “Natural”
(Maybe photo of dried up fields, flooding, hurricane….)
I ❤️ food and water.
I ❤️ the human race.
The Keystone Pipeline will create 35 permanent jobs.
If the environment isn’t your issue, some day it will be.
(graphic visual of flood, draught etc…)
For Parents/Grandparents:
Because I ❤️ my Grandchildren.
What do you want to leave your grandchildren? (vis of planet)
(For young people: Play with this idea in reverse i.e. What will we inherit from our parents/politicians/this generation? Themes: We inherit your pollution /You'll be gone when the world is 5 degrees warmer- We won’t /Is this what you’re leaving us? (visual of floods/brown planet/hot planet) /Don’t leave us with this mess.
Theme: Climate Change. The issue that affects all other issues.
If you care about Immigration
You care about Climate Change
If you care about the Poor
You care about Climate Change